All About Allergens: Pollen

Pollen spores are key to the environment, allowing plants and trees to reproduce. For many, pollen spores are among the most common causes of seasonal allergies , especially in a hot, tropical country like Singapore.

Pollen spores are dry, lightweight, and small in nature, which makes it easy for the wind to carry them everywhere. These particulates in the air trigger allergy symptoms in susceptible individuals. Inhaling the spores, especially in high concentrations, can cause sneezing, runny nose, or nasal congestion.

All About Allergens: Pollen

Pollen spores are key to the environment, allowing plants and trees to reproduce. For many, pollen spores are among the most common causes of seasonal allergies , especially in a hot, tropical country like Singapore.

Pollen spores are dry, lightweight, and small in nature, which makes it easy for the wind to carry them everywhere. These particulates in the air trigger allergy symptoms in susceptible individuals. Inhaling the spores, especially in high concentrations, can cause sneezing, runny nose, or nasal congestion.

Causes of Pollen Allergy

Pollen count – the amount of pollen in the air – will vary day to day. Weather plays a vital role in how much pollen may be floating around. Dry, windy weather enables pollen to spread rapidly. In stark contrast, heavy rains and humid weather conditions weigh down pollen spores with moisture, keeping them grounded.1

Pollen count is often higher during months of hot, dry weather. In a tropical country like Singapore, this means that pollen allergy symptoms can manifest at any day of the year given these weather conditions, and often when certain species of local flora are in season.

Some species produce and spread more pollen than others. In general, plants and trees that pollinate by wind pose the most risk for people allergic to pollen. One such plant found in many Singapore’s parks is the Golden Dewdrop, thanks to their colorful, decorative flowers.

Symptoms of Pollen Allergy

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy, congested, or runny nose
  • Itchy, irritated, or watery eyes
  • Itching sensations in the ears, throat, and the palate or the roof of the mouth

Prevention Tips for Pollen Allergy

    Pollen from many species of weeds is often airborne in the morning and at dusk, so try to plan outdoor activities during more ideal hours of the day, especially if the weather is hot, dry, and breezy.
    Wear a mask when working in the garden or when you’re in a location with plenty of blooming plants, flowers, and trees.
    Pollen spores can stick to your shoes, clothing, or hair. To prevent the spores from entering your home, be sure to remove your shoes, take a quick shower, and change your clothes to remove all traces of pollen.
    Whenever you’re driving, keep your windows rolled up in the car, and set the air-conditioner mode to “air recirculation.” At home, be sure to keep your windows closed and your air-conditioner on. Replace the air-conditioner filter as needed.

Solution for Pollen Allergy

Clarityne® is fast and effective at relieving allergic reactions caused by pollen – from sneezing; to runny, itchy, or blocked nose; watery, itchy eyes; or itchy skin rash. With our fast-acting and long-lasting formulas, you can feel safe and free to enjoy the great outdoors.


  1. What if You’re Allergic to Grass? 10 Steps to Managing Grass Pollen Allergy. Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Accessed December 4, 2017.