Dealing with Both Allergies and Asthma Together? Have No Fear, Handy Tips Are Here!

Allergies and asthma can easily get in the way of your life plans if you love outdoor activities or your furry little friends. Both can be bothersome and become a little unbearable when they occur together, however there are ways to ensure you steer clear of them to live life without boundaries.

In Singapore, approximately 5% of adults and 20% of children are affected by asthma with allergic asthma being one of the common types1. The two often occur together and are somewhat interconnected as substances that usually trigger your allergies can also lead to asthma symptoms. These are called allergy -induced asthmas or allergic asthmas.

What is allergic asthma?

Allergic asthma is a type of asthma in which exposure to an inhaled allergen such as dust, pet dander and pollen , can trigger the immune system to overreact and release histamines. This causes the airways to swell and tighten, leading to difficulty in breathing with symptoms such as shortness of breath and wheezing.

Common allergens that can lead to allergic asthma

Here are some of the common allergens that can trigger allergic asthma:

  • Dust mites

These are common microscopic insects that you can find at home. They feed off the dead skin cells that fall off our bodies, and can be present all year-round. Dust mites are considered a threat to those who have dust allergy.

  • Pollen

Pollen is tiny particles released by plants, trees, and grass for reproduction. Pollen allergies are seasonal and depend on the type of pollen that causes the allergic reaction to occur.

  • Pet

Pet danders, fur, and saliva can all cause allergic reactions in people. Pets tend to lick themselves and cause saliva to stick onto their fur coats, possibly making it airborne. Due to this reason, even when you are not directly in contact with a pet, you could experience sneezing, a runny nose, and rashes on the skin.

  • Nuts

Food allergies such as nuts can also play a role in triggering asthma attacks. However, respiratory symptoms almost never occur on their own and are either preceded or accompanied by skin and gastrointestinal symptoms.

  • Insects

Insect allergies are considered highly potent, especially in children. When an insect like a bee stings, the common reaction by the body to the venom is swelling, redness, and itchiness. If you have an insect venom allergy, your body will break into hives and cause you to have difficulty breathing.

Allergy medications

Though most medications are either focused on allergies or asthma, the best treatments are where you can manage both these problems together. Some of them include:

  • Antihistamines

Antihistamine can play a key role in managing allergic asthma. It restricts the access of histamines from binding to receptors that trigger allergies. As the world’s #1 allergy brand, Clarityne® provides fast, non-drowsy relief from over 200+ allergens

  • Allergy shots (immunotherapy)

Your immune system is exposed to small doses of allergens to build up tolerance towards them. Over time, your allergic reactions to these allergens would diminish. Correspondingly, risks and symptoms of asthma are reduced as well.

  • Anti-immunoglobulin E (IgE) therapy

IgE antibodies are released by your immune system the first time it encounters a foreign invader or an allergen . In this therapy, medications are used to interfere with IgE in the body to prevent allergic and asthma symptoms and is reserved for the most severe allergic asthma cases.

Being aware of the causes and symptoms of allergies can be a useful life hack to ensure it doesn’t disrupt daily living. It is also helpful in avoiding these allergic reactions from manifesting into more serious conditions like asthma. The key is to detect them early and seek immediate advice from your healthcare provider to nip the problem in the bud. Doing so allows you to power through the days with optimal productivity!


  1. Ashtma & Allergy Association, , Accessed 17th September 2021
  2. Allergies (Child), SingHealth., 17th September 2021
  3. Allergy Symptoms & Treatment, MedicineNet., Accessed17th September 2021
  4. Allergic Asthma, WedMD., Accessed 17th September 2021
  5. Allergic Rhinitis: Common in Children in Singapore., Accessed 17th September 2021
  6. Seasonal Allergies (Hay Fever), KidsHealth., Accessed 17th September 2021
  7. Allergic Asthma: Everything you need to know., Accessed 17 February 2022.
  8. Allergic Asthma.. Accessed 17 February 2022.
  9. Based on Nicholas Hall Global OTC DB6 Database.. Accessed 17 February 2022.